“With the start of this year, I was looking for a change in my lifestyle and an improvement to my health and well being. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens and since then I’ve battled various health conditions including asthma, irregular periods and constant weight gain. It has been a struggle trying to lose weight and staying motivated to be active as a result of this.
Meeting Fatima and following her guided coaching sessions have been an eye opener to a healthier lifestyle. Understanding my body and providing it with the right food, nutrients and self care practices have helped me feel a glow from the inside out. It has made me more cautious about the types of food and nutrients I provide my body and the environment around me that affects my health. I find myself these days more energetic to hit the gym and shed those extra pounds that I have gained over the years.
I feel more radiant and motivated to push my limits in order to live a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. Physical activities that used to be a struggle as a result of my health constraints now seem to be a simple challenge on my road to recovery as a female athlete.
Awareness makes a big difference in trying to set oneself on the right path to better health of mind and body!”
- Mridula
“Before Fatima and I began working together I knew I had the ability to become the person I wanted to be but didn’t know how to get to that next level. With your wellness coaching I was able to understand on a deeper level what is important to me, what inspires me, and what I can do right now to make that real. I have renewed motivation to take action toward these goals and dreams. What changed my life was to make a commitment to take specific action, a commitment to myself and everyone in it, and to communicate back to you on the progress. I see it as this thorough and practical approach and the power of the coaching partnership that is making it possible. I can tell Fatima cares about my goals and that makes me care more. Fatima’s coaching has created a snowball effect and because of our efforts together I am taking detailed action and can see the positive changes not only to inspire myself but to inspire others as well. This has created more enthusiasm to forge ahead. My dreams are manifesting and that is exciting!”
- Kelly
“Fatima is someone who truly practices what she preaches in terms of living a healthy lifestyle. Her evolution continues to inspire, and pleasantly surprise me.
As a personal trainer, she emphasized the importance of correct form, which helped me to avoid injury and maximize my gains from workouts. Her knowledge of nutrition, supplementation, and optimal hormone regulation for women is based on cutting edge research. I enjoy how eager to not only update her skill sets, but also share this information with others.
As an entrepreneur, I have seen Fatima steadily grow her client base into a thriving business, serving clients in several countries. Her message of self love and tapping into our own inner strength resonates with what it means to find healing in The 21st century.”
- Sarah
“Fatima has opened my eyes to realize that being healthy means getting vulnerable with yourself. Listen to your body, and open yourself up to receive what it’s trying to tell you — only then can you grow, and keep growing.”
- Queena
“Fatima’s impact driven in helping ambitious women rise stronger, aligned and on purpose without risking their own health along the way. Fully honouring their needs while thriving in all areas of their lives.”
- Carolyn
“Fatima is driven to elevate women in truly experiencing their souls calling, at the same time feeling vibrant, healthy, confident and having all the energy to thrive in all areas of their lives. She is the supportive, kind-hearted, down to earth friend you’ve always dreamed of having.”
- Natalie
“Fatima is transforming the World with her heart felt inspirational methods of optimizing the mind, body, and spirit. Expanding your awareness to rise into sharing your unique gifts.”